Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ: My athlete is new to 360U, how do you recommend we get them started?
For our first time 360U athletes, we recommend booking one of our 45 minute 1:1 NEW 360U ATHLETE Lesson to get started! These lessons are designed for athletes who are new to 360U, and are offered in Hitting, HitTrax, Pitching or Defense. Athletes can be brand new to the sport, or already playing at a competitive level, and our lead instructors will tailor their instructor accordingly. Instructors will take time to get to know the athlete, answer any questions parents might have, and dive right into the mindset and mechanics during their lesson!
FAQ: How often do you recommend we sign our athlete up for lessons?
The frequency of your athlete's training depends on various factors, including their current skill level, goals, and personal commitments. However, we encourage parents to consider a more frequent training regimen for optimal results! While we encourage more frequent training for expedited progress, we understand that every athlete has unique schedules and commitments. Any amount of training, be it once a week or a few times a month, will still contribute to improvement. Consistency is key, and whether you opt for more frequent sessions or a less intense training plan, our experienced instructors are committed to helping your athlete reach their full potential.
FAQ: Should our athlete book with the same instructor every lesson?
No, it's not necessary for athletes to book with the same instructor every time. While we understand the importance of building a rapport with a preferred instructor, our training facility ensures that all our 360U instructors are highly qualified and trained using consistent verbiage and methodologies. This standardized approach allows for a seamless and effective transition between instructors, while ensuring that each session contributes significantly to your growth and improvement.
If you have a preference for a specific instructor, feel free to book with them consistently! However, rest assured that you can trust any of our instructors to provide excellent guidance and support throughout your training journey. Flexibility and variety in instruction can enhance your athlete's overall learning experience and skill development.
FAQ: When do monthly schedules or new lessons open up?
We have 1-2 months of future availability posted at any given time. Join our email list to be the first to know when new sessions or training programs are released, and when the monthly private lessons are opened up on your favorite instructor's calendars! Our 360U Camps are released 2 weeks prior to the upcoming month. We also occasionally open new lessons throughout the month, and will send emails and post to our Facebook when we do so!
FAQ: What is the difference between a regular hitting lesson and a HitTrax lesson?
Within all of our lessons, our instructors work diligently with your athlete on the mental and physical fundamentals of softball. Both types of lessons include mental discussions, drills, and film breakdown. However, our HitTrax lessons utilize our state-of-the-art HitTrax training software. This software records and catalogs each swing with its corresponding data. Our instructors are then able to employ the video analysis and swing-specific metrics to provide immediate feedback for potential swing adjustments. The impact of these adjustments is quickly visible using video and data comparisons. For more information on the HitTrax training software, please visit our “HitTrax” page.
FAQ: What is the difference between a private lesson and a group session?
Our private lessons provide a 1:1 athlete-to-coach ratio, whereas our group sessions will provide a maximum of a 4:1 athlete-to-coach ratio. Our group sessions provide an excellent opportunity for your athlete to collaborate and train with athletes of a similar age and skill set, while still receiving 1:1 time with their instructor.